“You want weapons? We're in a library. Books are the best weapon in the world. This room's the greatest arsenal we could have. Arm yourself!”
Welcome to the Spellward. What knowledge do you seek?
Mondays 10:30pm to 1:30am EST | Crystal | Zalera | Mist | Ward 1 | Plot 34

The Spellward offers a dedicated space for those who wish to expand their knowledge and skill of all things magical.Both floors are available for those who desire to delve in the study of theoretical knowledge.For the safety of our guests, the practical application of spellcasting is only allowed on the stage found within the Sanctum.Some basic food and drinks services are offered to our guests who wish to study for long hours.As a civilized establishment of learning, all guests are expected to abide by the rules and code of etiquette at all times while on premises.
TheoReticAl KnoWledGe

The Spellward Knowledge Repository is open to those who seek to further their knowledge on all things magical.The top floor contains knowledge pertaining to Conjuration, Thaumaturgy, the City States, and the basic concepts of Aether.The lower floor, called the Sanctum, contains a vast variety of tomes pertaining to more esoteric knowledge. Due to the lack of classification system, and the vast amount of knowledge found within, guests often find themselves having to spend a significant amount of time searching for the knowledge they seek.Study and lounging areas are therefore provided for their comfort.The Sanctum also houses the Socles of Spellcasting, an area reserved to the practical application of spellcasting.
PrAcTicAl ApplicATioN of SpellcAsTinG

An area dedicated to the Practical Application of Spellcasting has been arranged within the Sanctum on the lower floor.All practionners must first receive the Spellward before being allowed to cast.All exercises must be performed while standing on the Socles of Spellcasting.The Spellward will fade upon exiting the Practical Application of Spellcasting area.
The RuLes (OOC)
Etiquette:- Please be mindful of your opponent. This is meant to be a pleasant activity for all involved.
- Please join the moderator's party for the duration of the fight. This helps in making sure everything rolls smoothly.
- The fight must be done in /yell.
- All rolls must be done in /random.Start of Combat:- Both spellcasters are provided with a shield. The shield has 2800HP.Combat - Spellcasting:- Both spellcasters take turns casting spells.
- Each spellcaster is responsible for describing the effect of their own spells (both the spell effects, and its effect on the shield).
Effects on the spellcasters are described by the spellcasters themselved.- Offensive spells will damage the opponent's shield for the amount rolled (/random).
- Defensive spells (such as Heals or Shields) will restore the caster's shield for the ammount rolled (/random).- A total of 4 spells can be cast per duel.
- Additionally, each contestant may consume 2 potions (see section below for potion effects).Victory Conditions:- Once both spellcasters have used all their spells, the fight is over. The caster with the shield having the highest amount of HP is the winner.
NOTE: this implies one can win by outhealing their opponents.
- Alternate Victory Condition: Should a caster bring his opponen't shield below 0, the fight will end and that caster will win automatically.
PoTioNs (OOC)
Potion of Potency
Inversion Potion
Potion of Echoes
Counterspell Potion
Potion Use:- Each spellcaster will be granted 4 potions.
- A maximum of 1 potion may be consumed per turn.
- A maximum of 2 potions may be consumed per duel.
- The potion must be consumed prior to casting a spell.
- The spell must be cast immediatly afterwards, within the same turn.
- The potion effect will fade after the spell is cast.Potion Effect:- Potion of Potency:
Add 300 to the value of your next spell roll.- Inversion Potion:
The effect of your next spell is inverted.
Offensive spells heal you for the damage dealt to yourself.
Defensive spells damage your opponent for the the damage restored to them.- Potion of Echoes:
Your next spell is cast twice instead of once, for the same roll value.- Wild Potion:
Your next spell is unpredictable. While its potency is doubled, its effect, and its target are left to chance.
Use at your own peril.
RuLeS And eTiqueTTe

Please obey the custodian's commands at all times.As a civilized establishment and place of learning, all barbaric weapons , including but not limited to swords, shields, knives, axes, spears and polearms are strictly forbidden on the premises.Magical implements such as staves, wands, tomes, planispheres, nouliths and foci are allowed for the purpose of practical spellcasting practice.Pets and familiars are allowed but subject to removal at the discretion of the custodian.Please refrain from using any potentially disruptive or damaging magic outside the Socles of Spellcasting.For the respect of our guests, please keep your voice volume to audible conversation levels.